
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

What to do, When you are Tired of your Tiredness

Stamina means Physical Strength. Good stamina indicates good health. If a little physical work, makes you feel tired, then your stamina is low. Actually, stamina has a direct connection with the strength of our body parts. If your body parts ( like Heart, lungs etc) are working properly, then your stamina is good. Except from this, if we don't get enough nutrition, it also affects our stamina.
Every person's stamina can vary according to the age, sex and health of that person. If your stamina is low, then you can increase it by doing exercise. While doing exercise, parts of our body are working. During exercise, we breathe in and out, which provides enough oxygen to our body parts. To make our body parts working, these 2 things are most important and that is why, daily exercise  improves stamina. There are some ways to increase your stamina -

Skipping : Do skipping regularly. Start with 1-2 minutes and slowly increase it to 5 mins. This the best exercise to reduce weight and increase stamina.

Jogging : Regularly go for a jog everyday. If you can't go out for jogging, then you can run standing at one place. This exercise increases your stamina as well as makes your heart healthy.

Swimming and Riding Bicycle : For your health, these 2 exercises are also very important. If possible, then you can do either of the exercise for just 15-20 mins.

Climbing Stairs- In starting, climb stairs slowly : Try to use stairs instead of lift , once  in a day . The best way to stay fit.

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